Saturday, April 4, 2009

Gotta love this Nebraska weather!

We've been having fabulous spring weather. In fact, we've been having thunderstorms this afternoon and evening, and a lovely warm day. I was cogitating on my window boxes, and what kind of flowers to put in them this year. Tonight, we're in a blizzard warning. Go figure. Below are a few of my spring favorites that may not be in bloom by tomorrow if it snows as much as they're predicting. I actually cut the daffodils and put them in a vase. My lilacs are just about to bloom, too, so I hope they survive (they're my all-time favorites).

Tom's cousin just deposited this lathe on our doorstep a couple days ago. Tom is kind of having fun with it, but doesn't really have any projects for it. He's trying to decide if he's going to keep it or give it to a certain wood sculptor we know, as long as he agrees to turn out little things for us if we need them (drawers pulls and the like).

I just found out that my Italian "brother" reads this blog occasionally, which is exciting to me. I'm being read overseas!!


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