Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Happy Joy Joy

I certainly hope you had a joyous holiday!! I know we did (except possibly Hannah, who's been suffering from a stomach malady for several days, but had a big ol' bowl of suck-it-up soup and managed to fool everybody). I've posted a bunch of pictures here, primarily for the benefit of two of Tom's sisters who live far away and were unable to be here.The post-gift mess.

Hannah's sweeter than sweet beau, Tony.

Günter and Beca with assorted cousins.
Nice hat, Hannah!
Grover (our grand-nephew) -- the star of the show!

Günter got a mortar and pestle, which thrilled him no end.

Eating is always a good thing (unless you're Hannah).

Grandma, always the party animal, makes the kids work for their goodies. Here they are, playing a game that involves rapid passing of gifts from right to left on certain cues. Hilarity ensued.

More eating. Yeah!!

And more!
Anyway, it was a delightful day.


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